Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hit the road you bunch of gombeens!

The P45 movement is about a simple idea. The Irish people are sick of being conned and screwed by a corrupt, negligent bunch of crooks. It is time to show them the door.
We don't want to wait until their 'contract' expires whenever they decide to hold an election, while they cover their asses and bail out more of their buddies at our expense.

Apologists for this system love to say 'if you don't like them, you can fire them at the next election'. Why wait up to five years to stop someone ripping you off? And not getting re-elected is not the same as being fired.

We want them to go ASAP, and it has to be a message from the people, not simply an easy victory for the next bunch to replace them.
We can, and must bring about a situation, that no matter what party is in government, they will be very worried about actually doing the job right, because they days of putting up with crap government are coming to an end.

It's time for them to hit the road. 

We're not calling for armed revolution or lynch mobs, we're calling for determined and dignified assertion of our rights to reclaim control over our lives and our country.

Every government makes the odd mistake, that's not the problem we face.
We have to get rid of a government that has grown more and more corrupt over time:
  • Pays more attention to the lads from the Galway tent, than the needs of the people
  • Tells us we are wrong when we don't vote the way they like (Lisbon 2, Nice 2)
  • Rescues their buddies, but leaves good people to die on trolleys in underfunded hospitals
  • Makes up their own rules on expenses so they can fleece us, and travel in comfort.
  • Lies repeatedly to us about very serious issues. 
  • Assisting in wars and occupation, by our arms trade, the use of Shannon by the US military, or refusing to take a strong stand against injustice.
  • Covered up for those who would steal our natural resources, those who beat and raped our kids.
  • and many, many things besides.
Many people lost faith in the system, and simply no longer bother to vote. Giving up is no solution.
That just means fewer people decide who gets in.
We have to be active, and we have to crack the whip more often than just at general elections.

We pay for these people, 
We pay for their salaries, 
We pay for their perks.
We pay for their dodgy decisions, and so does the generation that comes after us.

Will we let them stay in office, while our future and our kid's future goes down the toilet?
We all now what the answer to that question should be.  

The real question is, are we brave enough to do it?

Are we happy to wave the tricolour at soccer matches, but let the country itself go down the toilet?
Are we happy to get drunk and sing rebel songs in the pub about the men of 1916, while in 2010, we refuse to raise our voices in anger against the biggest rip offs in the history of the state?
If the black citizens of Alabama were as meek as the Irish public seem to have become during the Celtic Tiger, they would still be sitting at the back of the bus, and then going home to moan about it on Facebook.

Is that how we see ourselves? Is that what we will pass on to our children?

1 comment:

  1. Yes most definitely YES. I WANT RID OF THOSE ROBBER BARONS.

    By any means possible.
