It cheers me up to know I'm not the only one who is fed up to the back teeth.
I bet we all know a bunch of people who feel the same. I think we should all get talking to each other, and coming up with ideas to sack this shower, starting with the obvious point, using our collective voices to tell them to go.
It is important that we tell them to go, that it is we the people, (as many as we can muster) that give them their marching orders.
We don't know who will get in next. It could be Labour & FG, or someone else. We could even have a big bunch of independents. or a new reform party. We will all have our say on that in due time, but first we have to get rid of this mob.
The P45 movement is a movement, not a party. By joining P45 you are not being asked to support FG, Labour, Sinn Fein, Independents or any new reform party. They can do their electioneering on their own time and we can all make our choices as we see fit.
P45 is the movement to fire the current government, and in doing so, laying doing a very strong marker to whoever comes next, that the people are no longer on their knees moaning. The only way they will respect us, is if they know we watch them like hawks and are not afraid to give them a P45 either.
We are standing and watching, because our future and our kids futures depend on us. And we must reach out to others who feel the same way, and ignore the naysayers, and the mudslingers of the media who say we must know our place, as the people of this country and others have been instructed to do for generations.
If we let them tell us our place, they will try to convince us that our place is what suits their interests.
- Paying off the debts of huge banks and property speculators who rigged the market to drive up the price of houses, even when they knew (and the government knew) that there were plenty of houses on the market.
- Waiting on trolleys in hospitals while the rip off merchants go private.
- Sending our kids to school in pre-fabs, or watching the older ones go to the airport or the ferry.
- being treated like fools, and being turned against each other by divide and conquer tactics (public sector v private, students v the rest) It wasn't students or public sector workers who bankrupted this country. It was the bankers, the politicians and the Financial Regulator who seemed to be blindfolded while at his fancy desk in his well paid job.
- Being ignored, and told to let others tell us what to do as we sink into apathy.
It was people refusing to know their place that got the right to vote for all adults, regardless of gender, religion or property status.
It was East Germans refusing to know their place who tore down the Berlin Wall without firing a shot.
It was Black Americans refusing to know their place who claimed their rights as equal citizens to the same treatment in schools, restaurants, buses and polling stations as anybody else.
Don't let anybody tell you it can't be done if we all want it enough.
We don't have the same media access as the gombeens who got us into this mess but each of us can talk to our neighbours, our friends, and use social networks like Facebook and YouTube etc to spread the word. The public already outnumbers them, thousands to one, we just have to find the creative ways of using that to our advantage.
Some ideas already in the works include a novel way of saying 'You're fired' to this government.
(Watch this space for more on that)
Don't be shy about posting your own ideas either, the more the merrier. Don't let your voice be absent in this conversation. You've been ignored long enough already.